Frequently Asked Questions

Already a Zwift partner:

How do I refund a customer?

You can process a refund directly via the instore software. Navigate to the order, press the actions button...
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How do I change bank account details?

Business bank account details can only be changed by Zwift. Please follow the instructions outlined...
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I have sold my business, what next?

An account transfer application will need to be completed. Please inform Zwift of the change...
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What if payment falls on a public holiday?

Zwift processes payment of online transactions to your business regardless of public holidays. That said...
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Domain registration, who is the owner?

Zwift manages all website domains in line with auDA (domain authority) rules. Your business will remain...
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New to Zwift:

What if I already have a website?

No problems! If you already have a website that you're happy with, we can work with that and simply add the...
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Are there any additional costs for marketing services?

Absolutely not. Zwift believes marketing support is essential when it comes to your success with online ordering...
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Do you provide equipment?

Zwift does. The in-store ordering equipment includes a small touch screen tablet as well as a thermal receipt...
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How long has Zwift been in business for?

Zwift has been helping businesses with their online ordering and marketing for over 15 years now.
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Do I require an internet connection in store? What kind of speeds are needed?

You will require an internet connection in store, however we do not have any minimum requirements...
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